911 1971 Porsche 911 Carrera S vs 2012

That is going to sound strange but children the performance of a sports were measured in my opinion the length of the front cover.Therefore total mystery why the 911 did not care that his engine in the trunk was seen as master stallion.Why is it always.Attempt to respond with the new girl accompanied by a grandmother 41 years his senior.You have not changed.Along with the Carrera S now the old 911 seems incredibly frail and tiny.His little rims paled alongside the large flange the youngest. Porsche same applies to the very classic chrome bumpers and for all these details handles mirrors taillights.our granny dating.but it also gives its charm.What a look.
If the general proportions have not changed however we note that this figure for 50 years has managed to adapt to the times.The Carrera Modern displays look more threatening and in general it seems low squat and shoulders seem pinched with the Hulk.Finally.a little anyway.It is in the cockpit that the differences are more obvious.In the Carrera S exit the phone book that serves as a manual and start cramming countless buttons adorns the dashboard and center console.The ergonomics are excellent and yet one finds easily its young after a short adjustment period.Back 40 years ago.Move along nothing to see.Or rather if the five dials are still there there directly under the eyes with the tachometer in the axis.
A brilliant idea like that inevitably it takes half a century.For the rest the equipment is obviously skinny no GPS no air conditioning or even onboard telephony.Yet despite these gross differences something remains Further alignment of the dials there is the ambiance of this Germanic rigor.Black is black.Everything is clear bright functional without any fuss but treated with care and efficiency.German what.Under the hood things are changing.The story began in 1963.At the time the 911 roared in a metallic voice and came out 130 horsepower from its six.cylinder 2.liter flat.That makes us smile today.
Currently the cooling air is passed to the liquid which changes the tone of voice.Now much more raucous the flat.six is ​​always expressed through an inimitable staccato but won in box the displacement to 3.8 liters and power 400 horses.But the heart of the beast is always located at the other end of the car under the hood and rear door overhang.Our grandmother a 911 T of 1971 simply for its share of 2.2 liters and 125 horsepower in this version deflated.Recall that the high end of the day the S was clear about the 180 horsepower.For displacement it was a feat.In terms of transmissions the number of gears has also increased ten.fold it goes from 5 to 7 today both for the manual transmission for the PDK transmission the automatic dual.clutch unit of the house.
Gentleman start your engine.Today as yesterday start a 911 is a moment of rare happiness.A small quarter turn on the key always on the left and follows a rattle harbinger of many pleasures.Lever the optional PDK gearbox shot D is released the brakes and the 911 Carrera S advance smoothly.A bike.A progressive accelerator a direction consistent but not impossible visibility quite good the 911 could be likened to a great city agile and everything.We can now understand what made it successful.With the ancestor is.almost the same.Only the gearbox happily imprecise and brakes it slows down but its hard.
Could curb the modern user but otherwise we find this same feeling of ease agreeing with this engine to roll smoothly from low revs.But the most astonishing it is still the driving comfort the suspension is surprisingly tolerant and soundproofing makes the engine and other sounds muted at steady state.And this is true for our two protagonists.Only wind noise become relatively pervasive in the ancestor.Sports did you say.Rock n Roll our old grandmother is without a doubt.125 horsepower it makes us smile today but when they tumble from a flat.six as expressive as that and as light in a box believe my word nobody laughs.

On two floors the engine got a boost in excess of 4000 rev / min her voice shrill cries of and pushed to the edge of 6000 r / min.Then remains to find the following report through large movements of the wrist and elbow.And the same refrain with the same force starts over again.Old.fashioned grandmother.Surely not.The new girl she grows very strong at low revs when 1000 rev / min in the dull staccato of his flat.six.But from 4500 rev / min the voice changes becomes strident pushing intensifies The horizon gets closer and then comes the second border that of 5500 rev / min.There is the sense of rotation of the earth that is reversed the acceleration reaches a maddening ferocity the engine screams in anger and sharp needle drop its weight to 7500 rev / min.Crazy.As for the box it connects the slamming reports as soon as possible.That is how.

The effect backpack you know.With its engine rejected at the other end of the car it is never without a little trepidation that we take the controls of a 911.Sulphurous deemed in its early versions I admit I made ​​cautious Sioux at the time to begin the winding portion of this test the wheel of the 911 T.Unnecessarily.Certainly it should demonstrate a strong sense of persuasion with the pedal to the center really close but the reactions are healthy and progressive.Remember to register before the train into the turns do not touch especially in support to the brakes and everything will be fine.The manual is particularly but easily assimilated.
With the youngest radical change of atmosphere.The response is so clear and sharp that you completely forget the motor carrier rear overhang.Longer wheelbase wider track the 911 turns on rails and displays a stable locomotive when his grandmother began to blur.see Rigorous as it ever was the 911 also benefits from a superb steering precision and made.Declining consumption.Between our two casseroles one finds a gap of 41 years 1.6 liter 450 kg and above 275.horsepower.Yet and this is where we measure progress consumption tends to fall.In smooth ride but not economic costs around 11.12 l/100 km with the granny.Only one is tempted to say.With the youngest do no exercise of self.sacrifice to turn around the 10 l/100 km.If you play freewheeling anticipate your braking a minimum and avoid high engine speeds it is even possible to consume only 8.5 l/100 km.Sworn promise I did it without me moping between two trucks. PricesThe score of 911 from the classical period has recently strongly soaring.Includes templates for the T entry.level have more than € 40000 for a nice copy as ours.For the new small count € 105391 for a Carrera S with manual transmission and no options.And thats where the rub the list is endless the prohibitive prices and the final bill obviously has some 20 or 30000 euros more. ConclusionImpressive the 911 was then as now.This flashback showed us that the Porsche legend has never been usurped.Flat.six angry amazing comfort low fuel consumption and metronomic reliability while the 911 had a best buy.Over 40 years later the situation is the same with an efficiency that is so supernatural has forgotten the primary feature of the model its engine rear overhang.