Top 10 best cars of the 80s

Whether in cars or art the 80 are unlikely to remain in the annals in creativity.The era of all.plastic .hat body drawn from the rule premise and risky electronics finally finds his rehabilitation and is Vroom who offers him. For ten models destined to become legendary even who have already become. Ten models who have made some contribution to the modern automobile.

Porsche 959
Developed to participate in competition in Group B the 959 is THE technological showcase of 80 years.Two turbos water.cooled cylinder heads AWD ABS tire pressure sensors magnesium wheels and indéjantables.Its a festival. Performance is another world 3.7 seconds to reach 100 km / h and 317 km / h. Only 234 copies.

Ferrari F40
THE myth of the 80s.Last car designed by Enzo Ferraris lifetime it responded tit for tat to the Porsche 959.Real beast of competition dropped unexpectedly on the road the F40 displayed a dream and plastic characteristics of madness twin.turbo V8 478 horsepower and only 1.1 tonnes. Performance beyond comprehension 0 to 100 km / h in 3.6 seconds 323 km / h and 1000 m standing start in 21.8 seconds..During the speculative madness of the late 80s mainly affecting Ferrari she was sold on the black market.

Fiat Panda
No this is not a delayed April Fool the Fiat Panda is quite a place among the cars must.80s.Designed by Giugiaro it has one of the most functional ever seen on a city. Very successful on the industrial side the Panda is a masterpiece ignored affordable convenient and even declined in 4×4.

Audi Quattro
Certainly it is not the first production car to feature all.wheel drive but it is one that actually did know this technology.Faced with its rivals the Quattro offered a unique active safety and efficiency standards out.Today she also rediscovered for its melodious 5 cylinder whose power climbed to 306 horsepower.

DeLorean DMC.12
Objectively its not really a good car heavy motor lymphatic delicate equipment hot in summer his commercial career was quickly abbreviated when the founder was put behind bars. Yet it remains legendary from its appearance in the movie Back to the Future but also by its shape shifted.