Audi, BMW, Mercedes the reasons for success

recent years the economic crisis has not spared the automotive industry and many manufacturers saw their sales and lower turnover.But some are doing much better as the premium German never felt this good.We therefore attempted to explain the reasons for this success.The automotive world is currently experiencing a rather surprising while most volume manufacturers are fighting to keep their production levels the premium market players beat their record sales and record sales record.This may seem contradictory since they distribute the models are on average much more expensive and cater to a clientele rather easy.But there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

First the recent expansion of new markets such as China or the Middle East offer the manufacturers a new pool of customers more or less fortunate fond of their cars synonymous with a certain luxury in the West.Specific versions derived from European models have been developed even as the Audi A4 andA6 L (limousine) to meet the needs of this clientele.Where GPs are obliged to come up with models low cost to touch the bulk of the population the premiums are the wealthiest classes of models with high added value.On more traditional markets including Europe the reasons for this success are growing a little more subtle and sometimes are based on rather subjective criteria.First the car market has changed significantly over the last fifteen years with the growing success of new categories of vehicles such as SUVs or crossovers and the decline of traditional sedans.Thus today many families who need a relatively spacious vehicle will turn readily to an SUV rather than an average sedan.
Premium manufacturers have quickly understood the importance of these new segments and have stepped up early enough bodies to meet all market demands.These new niches have even allowed some to grow significantly as Porsche has doubled its sales with the Cayenne.BMW Audi and Mercedes also quickly responded by offering crossovers of various sizes while French manufacturers can not all be placed late and still struggling to make a place in this niche.Moreover while generalists are losing ground on medium and large sedans and their upscale offer diminishes over time the premium retain their hegemony over the high.end segments and grow downwards with the success we Connat.For example Audi had a surprise and is a real hit with its compact A3 and now settled in the segment of urban women with small A1.
The ranges of these manufacturers and become more extensive than those of GPs for example with 16 separate models (not including certain derivatives sedan coupe or convertible) for only 8 Mercedes and Fiat.Finally it seems that today the image and looks are as well as practical aspects.And premium manufacturers enjoy a very strong brand and great reputation for quality against which GPs can not fight especially for resale.Volkswagen currently only seems to have a status slightly higher than its competitors.So many customers seem willing to make sacrifices for example the livability and space and more readily buy a compact or small sedan than a crossover premium generalist.Thus a large segment of customers who would previously have opted for a Renault Laguna or Ford Mondeo are now turning to an Audi A3 or a Volkswagen Tiguan.But this expansion seems to know the limits and we have seen recently that if the small Audi A1 has not fully met its objectives the new premium range of Citroen DS is however an absolute cardboard.